Cheat : Cheat menu: Press L, R, L, R at the pre-game menu. Note: This code must be activated before the other pre-game menu cheats are enabled.
Devil's Thumb stadium: Press Right, A, C-Up, L, A at the pre-game menu.
Always hit home runs: Press L, A, Down, Right at the pre-game menu
Crazy ball: Press C-Right, A, Z, B, A, L(2) at the pre-game menu.
Crazy pitches: Press C-Right, A, Z, C-Up, R, B at the pre-game menu.
Varied pitches: Press C-Right, A, Z, C-Up, R, L at the pre-game menu.
Easy steals: Press C-Left, A, Down, C-Up, Z at the pre-game menu.
Aluminum bats: Press R, A, Z, B, A, L(2) at the pre-game menu.
Red bats: Press R, Down, B, A, Right at the pre-game menu.
Blue bats: Press B, L, B, A, Right at the pre-game menu.
Psychedelic bats: Press Z, B, R, A at the pre-game menu.
Low gravity: Press Up, R, A, L at the pre-game menu.
Increased gravity: Press Up, Down, L, Up, R at the pre-game menu.
Fast game: Press L, A, Z, R, B, A, L(2) at the pre-game menu.
Slow game: Press Up, L(2), B, A, L(2) at the pre-game menu.
Alternate sky: Press C-Right, A, Z, C-Up, L, R, Z at the pre-game menu.
Bonus teams: Press C-Right, A, Down, Left at the title screen.
Hidden message: Press C-Up, R, B(2) at the title screen.
View credits: Press R, A, Z, R, C-Right, A, B at the title screen